Author: Emma Ling Hwei Young

WAAM is proud to announce its expanded partnership with Sweetwater, the No. 1 online retailer for music makers, in a joint effort to support our grant-giving and research efforts, particularly in the area of suicide prevention. This collaboration comes at a crucial time, coinciding with Mental Health Awareness Month in May, underscoring both organizations' commitment to addressing mental health and education initiatives using innovative approaches. An inaugural donor...

🧠 Recent breakthroughs in neuroscientific research have substantiated music’s therapeutic properties such as emotional regulation and brain re-engagement. Research from Northumbria University has repeatedly proven music’s emotional and therapeutic qualities are highly related to the release of neurochemicals, especially dopamine. 🎧 During music listening, the researchers identified that the interplay between the brain’s memory and emotion centers creates a powerful and unique experience, elevating music into a...

ABSTRACT: There is anecdotal evidence for beneficial effects of music therapy in patients with Alzheimer's Disease (AD). However, there is a lack of rigorous research investigating this issue. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of music therapy and physical activity on brain plasticity, mood, and cognition in a population with AD and at risk for AD. One-hundred and thirty-five participants with memory...

ABSTRACT: This article is a fascinating review of the history of music therapy and the ongoing developments into better understanding and utilizing music therapy to assist with many aspects of physical, mental and emotional health along with traditional therapies. It focuses on the neural processes impacted by listening to sad versus happy music and the potential development of individualized plans to see which types of music...

ABSTRACT: The study is a population level analysis (n = 112,916) examining relationships between music education and mathematics, science and Engligh achievement in highschool. It also controlled for factors such as language/cultural background and socioeconomic status. School music achievement positively related to scores on all subjects; such relationships were stronger for achievement in instrumental music compared with vocal music. Higher levels of music engagement (number of...

ABSTRACT: An article from the US Department of Veteran Affairs, this focuses on the use of drum circles to releive symptoms of PTSD among veterans. Resilient Rhythms is the name of the program and it is used by VA therapists to help Veterans deal with trauma, socialize with other Veterans, and express themselves more freely. The instructors’ goal, they said. is giving hope to marginalized members...

ABSTRACT: This study focuses on attempting to identify affordable treatments to combat brain fog and cognitive decline connected to breast cancer treatment. It reviews the impacts of meditation and listening to music. Overall all members of the study reported improved mood and cognitive abilities. AUTHOR SUMMARY: Ashley M. Henneghan a b, Heather Becker a, Michelle L. Harrison c, Kelly Inselmann d, Brandon Fico c, Helen Schafer e,...

ABSTRACT: This study is very similar to the above except it focuses on the impact of meditation and music listening on those experiencing significant cognitive decline as an indicator for alzheimers. AUTHOR SUMMARY: Kim E Innes 1 2, Terry Kit Selfe 1 2, Dharma Singh Khalsa 3 4, Sahiti Kandati 1 READ MORE:

ABSTRACT: This study examined the effects of sound meditation, specifically Tibetan singing bowl meditation, on mood, anxiety, pain, and spiritual well-being. Sixty-two women and men (mean age 49.7 years) participated. As compared with pre-meditation, following the sound meditation participants reported significantly less tension, anger, fatigue, and depressed mood (all Ps ...

ABSTRACT: From the beginning of therapeutic research with psychedelics, music listening has been consistently used as a method to guide or support therapeutic experiences during the acute effects of psychedelic drugs. Recent findings point to the potential of music to support meaning-making, emotionality, and mental imagery after the administration of psychedelics, and suggest that music plays an important role in facilitating positive clinical outcomes of psychedelic...