WAAM recently partnered with Bryan Kohl at MindWise Innovations to better understand how music interacts with depression and can be used in suicide prevention.
“From dopamine responses, to addressing depressive states, to being a vehicle for messages of hope and resilience, it’s clear music plays a role.”
You can read the complete abstract on our MIRC (Music Impact Research Center).
Make sure to tune into our live Power of Music Series episode on Music & Mental Wellness next Wed 12/14 at 7:30pmET on Facebook to learn more about this powerful research. WAAM’s Director of Research, Peter Gerlings, will be joined by Bryan Kohl to discuss how music can be used in suicide awareness, prevention and intervention.
Bryan leads all strategic and organizational development efforts with a focus on transforming behavioral health programs (e.g. Signs of Suicide, their evidenced-based suicide prevention program) in an effort to extend their reach and impact across the globe.