Promoting an LGBT+ Inclusive Classroom

Promoting an LGBT+ Inclusive Classroom

ABSTRACT: The website provides music educators with powerful online tools to connect students and teachers within a wider community. Among the resources they make available on their website are various articles, including a very interesting one by Eric Rubsenstein, Pd.D. an assistant professor of choral music at the Aaron Copland School of Music, Queens College, where he directs the treble choir and teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in music education. Dr. Rubenstein offers several suggestions for educators seeking to make their music classrooms inclusive and inviting to all students. He specifically focuses on repertoires which unreasonably reinforce gender stereotypes, and exploring the music that represents the students being served. He also addresses the nuances among the transgender community, including the often incorrect assumption that transgender students wish to express the opposite of their assigned sex, and how this again manifests itself in musical/vocal roles. There are also several more general recommendations that apply to the entire education system.

Smartmusic is building out an impressive library of articles dedicated to music education, including how to best serve a community that is coming into its own.

AUTHOR SUMMARY: Eric Rubinstein