Vocal Music Enhances Memory and Language Recovery After Stroke: Pooled Results From Two RCTs

Vocal Music Enhances Memory and Language Recovery After Stroke: Pooled Results From Two RCTs

ABSTRACT: Previous studies suggest that daily music listening can aid stroke recovery, but little is known about the stimulus-dependent and neural mecha- nisms driving this effect. Listening to vocal music enhanced verbal memory recovery more than instrumental music or audiobooks and language recovery more than audiobooks, especially in aphasic patients Vocal music listening selectively increased gray matter volume in left temporal areas and functional connectivity in the default mode network. Interpretation: Vocal music listening is an effective and easily applicable tool to support cognitive recovery after stroke as well as to enhance early language recovery in aphasia. The rehabilitative effects of vocal music are driven by both structural and functional plasticity changes in temporoparietal networks crucial for emotional processing, language, and memory.

AUTHOR SUMMARY: Sihvonen et al.

READ MORE: https://www.ripolleslab.com/uploads/1/2/6/7/126798162/acn3.51217.pdf