Long-Term Impacts of Early Musical Abilities on Academic Achievement: A Longitudinal Study

Long-Term Impacts of Early Musical Abilities on Academic Achievement: A Longitudinal Study

ABSTRACT: This longitudinal study tracked 76 students in Hungary over a seven year period to determine the value of developing early music abilities on academic success. Tests were administered to students in 1st grade and then again in Grade 7. The independent variables were mothers’ education and the tests administered to Grade 1 students, which included Raven’s Progressive Matrices and tests on word reading, mathematics, and musical abilities. The dependent variable was GPA in Grade 7. Reproduction, singing melodies after listening to them, or clapping or tapping back rhythmic patterns, is complex and this skill was shown to be a factor in students’ academic success in discipline like math and reading.

AUTHOR SUMMARY: Marta Janurik, Krisztian Jozsa

READ MORE: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9326760/